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Phone Detective is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). By running a search, you agree to use the information for permissible use only, as outlined by the Terms of Use. You cannot use our products as a factor in establishing an individual's eligibility for personal CREDIT or INSURANCE, evaluating an individual for EMPLOYMENT purposes, or any other purpose(s) authorized under section 604 of the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act or similar state statute. For pre-employment screening, visit GoodHire and be sure to familiarize yourself with the legal requirements for employers (including obtaining permission from the applicant and providing an "adverse action" letter, if appropriate).
Add alternative text and other Section 508 features to PDFs Preserve alternative text when converting files to PDFsThere's a twist to bringing the alternative text along when creating PDFs out of a Word doc or other Office file. If you choose Print > Adobe PDF, the alternative text is left behind. Instead, click the Adobe PDF menu option in the Office app and choose Change Conversion Settings. On the Settings tab, make sure Enable Accessibility and Reflow With Tagged PDF is selected. You may also want to choose Convert Document Information, Add Bookmarks, and Add Links.Next, click the Security tab and select Enable Text Access for Screen Reader Devices for the Visually Impaired (this setting should be on by default). If you add bookmarks, click the Bookmarks tab and select a style. Once you've made your choices, click OK and then select Convert to Adobe PDF. Finally, name the file and choose a location to store it. Adobe provides a ton of detail on the subject in the PDF (of course) Creating Accessible Adobe PDF Files.Add alternative text to graphics in PDFsIf you're working on a Word doc that will be converted to a screen reader-friendly PDF, it's easier to add the alternative text in Word and take the extra steps when converting it to PDF than to enter the image-describing text in Acrobat. Adobe's Using Acrobat 9 Pro site includes an article describing how to add alternative text to links, graphics, and abbreviated terms in PDFs. Another article on the Adobe help site explains how to use Acrobat's Accessibility Full Check option.In my limited experience, it was cumbersome to use Acrobat 9 Pro's Full Check and the TouchUp Reordering Tool to add alternative text to figures in a PDF. All individual elements are numbered, which clutters the screen of complicated formats. Once you find the figure in need of alternative text, right-click it and choose Edit Alternative Text. You enter the description on the image itself rather than in a pop-up window.There's much more to Section 508 compliance than alternative text. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services site provides a five-module online course on testing documents for Section 508 compliance. But accessibility isn't just for the government. With a small amount of effort, you can improve your document's reception for people who "read" with their ears.Add-ons make Firefox a social-network powerhouse Yoono supports Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, FriendFeed, AIM, Yahoo IM, Gtalk, Windows Live Messenger, and other services. You can view updates in the Yoono sidebar for all the services you sign into or just those for a specific service. Click the bottom icon on the left margin to open a browser window showing your alerts in categories of your choosing displayed in vertical panes.See all your social-network alerts in a single browser window with the Yoono Firefox add-on.YoonoYou can scroll through each vertical column of alerts and hover over an entry to see options for commenting/replying, deleting, and hiding or grouping alerts from that person. Yoono lets you update your status on multiple networks simultaneously, although I didn't test this feature. Likewise, I didn't try out Yoono's IM features.I'm more interested in the program's ability to consolidate friend and colleague updates from many social networks. By default, Yoono displays new alerts in a small pop-up window in the bottom right of the screen. To turn off or modify alerts, click the options button to open the settings window. Click More options to open a six-tabbed dialog box that lets you control updates more precisely. Deactivate some or all Yoono updates by clicking "options" when an alert window opens.YoonoIt's difficult to trust any service with such sensitive information about you, your family, your friends, and work colleagues. Yoono's privacy policy states that the service uses a token system that prevents it from knowing your Facebook sign-in name and password. With other services, however, your login info is stored encrypted on Yoono's servers if the program can't store the sign-in data on the client.Even more potentially troublesome is the service's Discovery widget that searches for and retrieves Web pages similar to the ones you're viewing. Your browsing is tracked by third-party ad networks, although Yoono claims not to provide any "personally identifiable information." Unfortunately, the third parties may be privy to your IP address, which many people consider personally identifiable.Privacy concerns aside, there's no simpler way to stay up-to-date on several social networks at the same time than Yoono's Firefox sidebar and multipane browser window. (Note that Yoono is donationware; the authors request a $5 donation if you use the program.)The Facebook-only approachIf your social networking is confined to Facebook, an integrated solution such as Yoono is overkill. The Facebook Toolbar is a more conventional Firefox addition. In addition to a Facebook search box, the toolbar has buttons for uploading photos, sharing the current page, and viewing the number of unread messages and pending friend requests. The Facebook Toolbar shows the number of pending messages and friend requests and provides a Facebook search box, among other features.FacebookOther toolbar options let you jump to your Facebook home page and get instant access to other Facebook features. Or choose the Quick Links drop-down menu that has shortcuts to 12 Facebook pages and the Toolbar Options dialog box. Here you configure the events that trigger a notification, such as updates, event invitations, messages, friend requests, and new shares. Of course, you can also disable notifications entirely. The Facebook Toolbar's configuration options let you decide the actions that generate an alert or disable all alerts.FacebookLike Yoono's sidebar, the Facebook Toolbar lets you open a window on the left side of the Firefox screen and view alerts by last update, status or profile update time, or name.See your most recent Facebook-update alerts in a Firefox sidebar opened by clicking a button on the Facebook Toolbar.Facebook ToolbarTweet from Firefox's address barFor fast access to your Twitter account, it's tough to beat the TwitterBar, which puts a bluebird icon on the right side of the Firefox address bar. Hover over the icon to enable a Post to Twitter link and see how many characters you have left. TwitterBar asks that you confirm the post before sending it. Right-click the bluebird to see links for adding an account and opening the TwitterBar options dialog. By default TwitterBar displays the OneRiot search bar when you hover over its bluebird icon in the address bar. OneRiot searches the "social Web" for the text you've entered. To disable this feature, check "Hide the OneRiot search icon in the address bar." You can choose one of three URL-shortening services, change the default text that accompanies the links you post, and disable the confirmation warning that appears before posts are sent, among other options.TwitterBar's options include a choice of three URL shorteners and whether to show or hide alerts and specific icons.TwitterBarTwitterBar can't match the features of either Yoono or the Facebook Toolbar, but the add-on makes tweeting about the sites you visit even easier. Please note that like Yoono, TwitterBar is donationware, so if you find yourself using the program regularly, cough up the $5 solicitation to help keep the good software coming.